Friday Webinar Series
Join us on a Friday of every month as we present lectures on a variety of business, project management and surveying subjects. All from the convenience of your office! You can participate by conference call, by computer-based webinar, or both! And some courses have been approved for NY CE credit!
February 3, 2023 From 8:30am until 9:30am EST
Online Webinar New York United States
Milton Denny, PLS
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Register Now for the next Webinar
in the First Friday Lecture Series
Friday, February 3, 2023 at 8:30am
Featuring: Milton E. Denny, PLS
Professional Ethics for the Land Surveyor APPROVED for: 1.0 NY LS/PE CE
This course covers not only the history of ethics, but gives guidance on all professional issues dealing with responsibility and standard of care. It provides answers to everyday problems that arise in the day to day functioning of all land surveyors. The courses' coverage of ethics as it relates to those in the field and the real-life examples of ethical issues are covered. A special Ethics issue will be addressed (How to react if someone does you wrong). We will also highlight some of the rules of the New York Board of Regents: Unprofessional Conduct.
By the end of this session participants will be able to: - Define when an ethics issue is involved in a survey job.
- Explain how do deal with an ethical issue.
- Determine whether or not you want to take a job if there is an ethic issue.
About our Speaker
Milton E. Denny is a registered surveyor in six states, and a veteran of surveying, mapping and GIS. His special interest has always been in project development and management of firms. He is a past president of the Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors, a Fellow in the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and served for many years on the Board of Direction. Mr. Denny is the author of many manuals dealing with surveying, mapping and GIS. He is a nationally known speaker and lecturer on these subjects and writes a column called "The Business Side" for a trade magazine. Mr. Denny recently finished publishing a book on the history of surveying measurement called "Surveying the Land: Surveying Measurement Devices 1620-1920". He is currently surveying on the Board of the Surveyor's Historical Society and teaches part time for Auburn University.
Registration Fees: $49 members, $60 non-members
Two-step registration process:
1. Register on NYSAPLS website.
Follow the link provided on your confirmation to complete the second
registration step. You will be directed to the website
to enter your name and email to complete your registration. THIS STEP IS
both steps are completed, registrants will receive an email
confirmation that includes a unique web-link for the webinar. This
web-link cannot be shared as it is unique to the individual registrant.